
Global Coralition

Global Coralition builds larger-than-life sculptures to raise nation-wide awareness. Once deployed into the ocean, they become marine protected areas, coral restoration sites and ecotourism attractions. The nonprofit accelerates knowledge transfer of impactful interventions to rebuild marine life in the region including marine protection, land-based coral farming techniques, water treatment and pollution management. They work closely with local youth, divers, fishermen, and government officials to strengthen partnerships for a region-wide, collaborative effort. Offering regeneration education creates a better environment for sustained, long-term conservation.

As integrated partners, we have been developing innovative solutions for fundraising using blockchain technology, marketing and brand strategy, and multimedia content creation.
What we did:
Brand Strategy & Design
UI+UX Design + Content Creation
Growth Strategy
We created the brand personality and built ops systems for Global Coralition for maximum impact on a nonprofit's shoestring budget. We organized fundraiser events in NYC, which contributed directly to ongoing projects in the Dominican Republic.
We have created the UI and roadmap for a digital product to empower crowd-sourced fundraising and user generated content. Using a blockchain based backend, the Coralition CoLab app would be a hub for global users to view coral science data, purchase and share non-fungible tokenized collectible Coralition artwork, and directly donate to support coral farms around the world.